Custom Knee Bracing

Custom knee braces are available for post operative recovery, knee instabilities, osteoarthritis, ligament stabilization and for prevention of further injury. We currently offer custom and off the shelf braces offered by Breg.  Custom knee bracing can be very effective at allowing you to stay active while you await further diagnostic testing, arthroscopic surgery or postoperatively to prevent additional trauma to an affected knee. If you currently have extended health care coverage for physiotherapy services, it is very likely that your insurance will also cover some or all of the cost of a custom knee brace.  A physician’s note recommending a custom knee brace will almost always be required. Most insurance companies will not cover a custom knee brace if it is recommended for sports only,  It would need to be for everyday use in order for most to cover the cost.  We can help to guide you through this process at the clinic. We will provide you with all of the necessary paperwork to send to your insurance company for predetermination. Delivery is rapid with off the shelf, 48hr if required. Custom knee braces can be expedited as well if necessary but typically are delivered within approximately 7 business days.